Daniel Lawson


Hi, I’m Daniel. Since Fall 2024, I am a PhD student at Mila and the Université de Montréal, where I am advised by Professor Glen Berseth and Dr. Khimya Khetarpal.

I am generally interested in machine learning, reinforcement learning, and robotics.

Previously, I was a (4+1) BS,MS CS student @ Purdue University, graduating in Spring 2024, where I worked on research with Professor Ahmed Qureshi in the Cognitive Robot Autonomy & Learning Lab.

contact: daniellawson9999 (at) gmail.com



  1. Daniel Lawson, and Ahmed H. Qureshi
    ICRA 2024 , Reincarnating RL Workshop (spotlight) at ICLR 2023
  2. Zikang Xiong, Daniel Lawson, Joe Eappen, and 2 more authors
    ICRA 2024